Managing your business during the Coronavirus COVID-19 Lockdown

General News

Adapting and finding new ways to work

We are learning new things on a daily basis about the global impact that the Coronavirus (COVID-19) has had. Not just personally but also professionally. In these crucial times businesses are adapting and changing how they offer products and services during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Lockdown. This is typically done by switching to a digital – or remote solution. For example, a virtual training session for a gym/fitness class. Or a digital portal to allow teachers to set homework and students to upload it once completed. This enables them them to keep up to date with their studies whilst the schools are closed. These digital solutions are pivotal for running a business or organisation through this unpredictable period.

Updating your WordPress website for the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Lockdown

One of the key things we’ve noticed with recent requests, is the need for our clients to keep their customers informed. This can take the form of a pop-up notice with a disclaimer or revised working hours. As well as new contact details to get in touch via mobile / Skype video as offices are now shutting down. This is a great way of informing their customers that they’re still operational and able to help through the lockdown and social distancing period.

We are all having difficulties in contacting companies due to shutdowns. As a result, with no alternative instruction on how to contact them, we’ve lost coms completely. Essentially, now is the time to open more channels of communication, to keep in touch with the world and your clients, employers and colleagues as much as possible. The last thing anyone wants is to make a hard situation worse. Provide your customers with the necessary information for them to contact you, they may need your help.

Digital Fuse is here if you need help – no fix too small

We’re big believers in supporting and helping local business. If you need any help with your WordPress website, no issue is too small for us to help. Whether this is a simple pop-up banner informing your customers what’s happening with your business. You may need a remote WordPress training session on how to edit your website or to point out where something is. Please don’t hesitate to get in touch. You can contact us directly via email on: Or send us an enquiry via our simple Contact Form. Alternatively if you would prefer to speak to us directly we can be reached on: 07445297066/07927654718. There is no queue or automated service, when you call Digital Fuse you’ll get us.

We sincerely hope everyone keeps safe and healthy. We very much look forward to getting back to our meetings with our great clients as much as all of you do. And of course bringing on new clients and networking with local businesses again the old fashioned way – in person.

Take care everyone and hang in there.

Nathan & Mark – the Digital Fuse team