Just a few of the ways in which we can help!
We have found that when looking for any type of professional service whether a handyman, an accountant, a mechanic or a printers – looking locally is often the best way to go. We’ve generally received better service, better communication and secured excellent rates. On top of that we are helping our local economy by going local! With this in mind we think it would be a good idea to talk about the key benefits of choosing us (Digital Fuse) as your local web design agency – particularly if you’re based in or around the Eastbourne and East Sussex area.
Digital Fuse speed Bio!
Before we get started – we think it might be a good idea to give you an insight into who we are and why we do what we do. We’re a two-man web and graphic team creating high-quality, affordable websites designed for specifically for your business. or organisation. We have over 10 years experience focusing on full stack development – primarily with WordPress/PHP and SQL. We pride ourselves on being fast, efficient and very friendly whilst maintaining a high standard of support for our clients without baffling them with technical jargon!
Affectionately known as the Sunshine Coast, Eastbourne is a beautiful seaside town. Its approximately 19 miles East of Brighton and just a short walk from Beachy Head. There are some well known local and historical landmarks such as the pier, Towner Art Gallery and the Eastbourne Redoubt fortress – and many more! There is a huge amount of history and culture, and a strong community spirit. We’re always learning something new about Eastbourne – and love connecting with great local businesses.
So without any further ado – here are our top five reasons why you should consider Digital Fuse as your local web design agency in Eastbourne!
It’s always good to put a face to a name!
One of the key benefits of working with a local company is meeting them! In this day and age, everything is done virtually – or by phone and email, which is perfectly fine. However there are occasions when its good to meet in person. Particularly at the design stage of your project. We’ve found this can lead to a much more organic and collaborative process, with ideas generated by off the cuff statements, that wouldn’t necessarily happen via email or over the phone. Some of fantastic ideas have come from just chatting face to face with our clients over a hot drink and some cake!
We’ve found that when going to a large agency you can sometimes end up being a faceless entity. With the agency having no clear or true understanding of who you are and what your business has to offer. We take great care in understanding your short and long terms goals for your website. Additionally we assess what makes your business different from your competitors to help you stand out in an often crowded market.
Our quality of work and attention to detail is second to none!
We make no secret of the fact we love what we do. As a result, we take a huge amount of pride and care with anything we undertake. Whether this is a logo, a website layout, backend code, settings or visual balance – we aim to make sure its pixel perfect.
Furthermore we are extremely focused on the security of your website and any confidential information entrusted to us for the build. Whether this is banking information, account login details or user/client information. This is always held in the strictest confidence as per the latest GDPR guidelines and kept securely behind a very well fortified website hosting setup.
Time is money – I can’t hang about!
We’ve heard nightmare stories from our clients being charged extortionate rates for relatively minor edits. Or excessive hours billed for work that’s is simply not needed. Digital Fuse will offer you clear advice on whether something is imperative or whether it falls under an optional extra. Then once you have the info on it, you can make the choice as to whether you’d like to pay for it or ask us more questions before going ahead. Ultimately the decision is yours and we do not bung in extra features and charge you for anything without getting a definitive list or requirements first and having our quote accepted!
We’re happy to work to an hourly log – or fixed costs for pre-approved edits. You’ll never see pointless edits or superfluous design changes undertaken and billed for without you giving us the go-ahead. On the contrary, if you request a task or a job that we feel isn’t putting your best foot forward, we’ll be transparent and always give you our honest opinion. We don’t suffer fools gladly and we’re sure you don’t either! We’ll chat and discuss the importance of it from your perspective and see how we can achieve the outcome in the best way possible, we may have 2-3 alternative solutions!
Hello? Is anyone there?
Everyone we think can agree that one of the most frustrating things to happen when working with another businesses is not being able to get hold of anyone! You try calling multiple times, leave countless voicemails, send emails and yet still no response for days. Waiting for a reply on a time-sensitive issue is enough to drive anyone crazy! Let’s not forget everyone is allowed their downtime – evenings and weekends for example. However sometimes it’s almost impossible to get hold of a representative even through working hours.
At Digital Fuse when you call us you get us, we’re always available for a chat during business hours. You won’t be hanging for three days waiting for a reply to an email. Nor will you be stuck in a phone queue listening to a repeated message: “Your call is very important to us” for the 20th time. Okay from time to time you may call and we might just be on the phone to another client, but you’ll receive a call back the second we get off the phone. Communications with our clients are the priority.
Professional, high quality work at a fair price
With Digital Fuse you are not paying for an agency with 30 staff; a coffee machine; an office llama and high-end art installation in the meeting room. You are simply paying for the time we spend on your project.
There are no hidden fees or charges, what you see is what you get. We have flexible payment plans for those who need it and no long term contracts. If you wish to move your website or hosting away from us at any point you’re always free to do so, (without any fuss). There is no charge to terminate any services with us. You also retain the full copyright of all works once payment is received. We’re digital artists – not con artists!
Supporting the local community with BestOf Eastbourne
We couldn’t talk about business and working in Eastbourne without mentioning the BestOf Eastbourne, our local business networking group. We are proud to have been highly commended in the 2020 Business of the Year awards for Eastbourne! We’ll be aiming to win more awards in the years to come!
We at Digital Fuse are always looking to help and support our clients in any way we can. Whether this is providing extra training – or doing a shoutout on social media. For us, nothing is more satisfying than seeing a logo we’ve designed travelling past us in the street on the side of a vehicle. Or seeing sales and traffic pouring in on a website that we’ve designed and built.
When you choose us we are fully invested in the success of your business and we’ll help push it forward. Ultimately, your success is our success! We’ve worked with numerous clients who consistently return to us for additional projects and who have recommended other businesses. This makes us proud and tells us that our track record is pretty good! But don’t just take our word for it, feel free to check out our reviews on the BestOf Eastbourne website.

So to sum up – if you are in Eastbourne, or the surrounding area and would like a chat about your website, graphics or a logo. Then make sure you get in touch! We look forward to hearing from you.