On-Site SEO

SEO services to boost your ranking in search engines

SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) is viewed as the most crucial tool to help increase traffic to your website. There are several key factors that we look at when integrating your website SEO.

Comprehensive keyword research

We analyse your website, business, location and competitors to get a clear indication of what keywords would work best for you. The keywords that are the most fruitful to use and implement are the ones that have limited competition but a good number of searches. Finding a balance between the two is key. We can then advise you on which keywords you can use when writing your website content and which ones to avoid.

SEO Titles and Meta Descriptions – let people know what your pages are about

Your SEO Titles and Meta Descriptions are the title and brief summaries that are displayed in the search engine results (quick visual example here). The title is the identifier that lets people know what a particular site or page is about. The description is an additional sentence providing a touch more information. We’ll add your keywords and phrases relevant to the page content in here, removing any misleading titles and descriptions.

The importance of well-ordered heading tags

Heading tags come in a hierarchical order. From H1, H2, H3 – all the way through to H6 (H stands for heading). Using headings is a great way to structure your page and let the search engines know the importance of your content. Heading tags always need to be kept in order. Adding keywords to headings is very useful; there is a limit though. Too many, and Google will view your website to be committing the ‘crime’ of keyword stuffing. We’ll run your website through our specialist software and explain the results to you. We can then re-organise all of your headings to be in the correct order. Adding them in where they are missing and include your keywords too!

Relevant and Readable Content – keep the bounce rate down

With the new Google algorithms the analytics of your website SEO are smarter than they’ve ever been. The focus has shifted from quantity of keywords to the quality of the content. This means that your content should be well written, well structured and relevant to the overall page subject or theme. This will increase the chances of users staying on your website for longer. This is called low bounce rate, as the content is exactly what they’re looking for! The more you keep your website content relevant and well structured, the easier it will be for us to implement your keywords. You’ll be in with a much higher chance of performing better in the search engines.

Google Analytics – statistics and tracking

Google Analytics is a fantastic tool that allows you to analyse your website traffic. You can clearly see how users have accessed your website. You can also see which search terms they have used, pages they have visited and how long they remained on your website. This information is invaluable. We can integrate Google Analytics on your website and have the results automatically emailed to you on a regular basis (straight from your website).

Website speed and the benefits to SEO

We’ve spoken in more detail about website speed and the benefits within our Speed Optimisation service. To touch on this briefly, the speed of your website (one of the many criteria) is now something that Google and other search engines factor into their algorithms. Why? Because nobody likes a slow website! By ensuring your website is well optimised for speed in conjunction with the other website SEO techniques, you give yourself the best opportunity to be well ranked for your chosen search terms.