Frequently occurring scenarios
I’m locked out of my WordPress Website – developer has disappeared!
This is incredibly frustrating and a common problem that we often hear about. Through no fault of your own, you have been left unable to access or edit your website. Perhaps due to the fact that your developer is no longer contactable. Or because they changed the password and have not informed you of what it is. Providing you have access to your hosting cPanel or other control panel – we can manually reset any login credentials and grant you access. Additionally as an extra measure, lockout anyone who shouldn’t be able to login. If you do not have any server or hosting login credentials there are other alternative options we can pursue.
Where is my domain registered and how can I access it?
Not sure which company your domain name is with or who is in control of it? Let us know the domain name in question and we’ll investigate for you free of charge.
You may have previously worked with a developer and now discovered that they had purchased your domain or were managing your domain on your behalf. You might find yourself lost as to how you can regain access to the domain. We can help you regain control of that domain providing your name or business name was logged when it was purchased. As above, let us know your domain name and we’ll find out where it is and who has control of it free of charge.